Friday, May 13, 2011

Watercolor... The confidence of making the determined brush stroke...

      I was really excited to take this course, but I found out quickly the level of my drawing skills... Not so great. But I feel that because of this course, it has motivated me to keep practicing. At the beginning we were assigned at least 35 sketchbook watercolor studies. Let me tell ya... these are the most embarrassing studies EVER! But practice makes better right?... RIGHT? well here we go...

Yes, I know what you are thinking... I had pink eye that night. Well you're wrong! I just over did it with the Burnt Sienna (I love that color!)

This is my friend Michelle. She is basically my model for all of my projects (for photography). I sometimes feel bad for her cause I always make her sit still for at least half and hour. She is such a great trooper!

This is my second water color. I love painting portraits because what I find fascinating is all of the different colors I can find. Everyone has different skin stones. Michelle's skin had a blueish undertone.

I know that the giraffe is a little random, but I like how with simple strokes I came up with an image...

This is just a master copy that we had to do in class. I really love this style and I thought it to be cute, funny, romantic humor... What can I say? I a sucker for funny romantic stuff... sigh

I call it... "Love at first grip"

Then there was gouache...

I was not a fan of gouache only because it never dries, BUT! the plus is that it leaves a little more room for error. Still though, I am not fond of it.

Last but not least, acrylic... 

    I believe this to be one big happy accident. This is the first time I worked with acrylics and just to be on the safe side I used the board to be my mid-tone and just kind of worked from there. We also needed to use collage for this assignment, so I used newspaper for the top and I used the photo of the mouse in which I just painted on it a little bit so it can be obvious to the viewer that it was a photograph.
For this painting I was inspired by Dave McKean and his incorporation of collage:

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